Juvenile Delinquency: Evils of distress on childhood! Juvenile Delinquency is a branch of youth psychology dealing with various degrees of social consequences that are punishable by the law committed by minors. Delinquent behaviour includes stealing, assaulting, indulging in sex offences and developing symptoms like pathological lying and truancy. In psychological terms, delinquency is defined as an alloplastic infringement of social values. Put simply, delinquent acts are directed against society rather than at the offender himself. Healey and Bronner found what delinquency may mean to the offender, it is usually an attempt to escape or fight a tense situation, to provide excitement and thrill, to obtain social recognition or to seek revenge against their parents. Earlier, psychiatrists thought delinquency in juveniles was caused by “moral imbecility”. A condition where intellect remains unaffected but moral sentiment is lost. However, this theory was widely unaccepted because n...