Productive Coping with A Pandemic 101

Our history is a testament to the fact that we have and will overcome any hurdles we face. Presently we battle the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has impacted every aspect of our lives physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and socially. we fared through this somehow and now each of us have our own ways of dealing with it, consequently bringing us to the question where do we stand in coping with the pandemic? 

Psychologically, coping refers to consciously adopting thoughts or behaviors ailing to demands of internal or external situations that are perceived to be stressful. The said behaviors may help but are not necessarily positive in their outcomes. This is evident from happenings around us: by the end of march, 2020 an increase of 262% in the online sales of alcohol was reported in the U.S as compared to 2019 [1], 47 % of adults from a study by a healthcare cover provider giant said the pandemic stress and anxiety is making them eat more [2]. Moreover, According to a source SHUT (Service for Healthy Use of Technology) clinic or the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Bangalore, India per week got up to 2 - 3 cases of game addiction which increased to about 15 amidst the pandemic [3]. 

Such negative coping strategies have impaired populations of a wide range and will serve as risk factors for many co-morbidities. These concerning issues need to be corrected by spreading awareness on better ways to cope and use them resourcefully. Hence to recognize if the strategies employed are rewarding or not, I bring out these approaches that can aid in utilizing and understanding them better.

Coping Styles :

Have you observed while facing stressful situations there are some qualities that we respond with in a consistent pattern? Mobilizing for your gain, you can customize these in the way that best suits you.

  • Emotion- focused:

This style seeks to eliminate the negatives we associate with the situation by acceptance, positive refraining, turning to religion and humour. Applying it accordingly can be helpful for stressors that are outside of individual control like while undergoing a dental procedure even if you’re anxious you know the result is not in your hand so you reassure  yourself and pray to god  or while overcoming grief the main goal is to reach acceptance of the situation.

  • Meaning- focused

The individual appraises his beliefs, values to what matters and existential goals (purpose and principal goals) deriving meaning from the  situation and manages it. Reordering priorities is something pandemic has taught us well, where our jobs and career were the topmost priority, the uncertainty led to family and one’s safety becoming the prime importance and shifting our goals in a way that is adaptable to resources in hand.

  • Problem-focused or as I call it ‘doing it the James Bond way

calling for action this style focuses hands-on tackling of the situation using information retrieving, planning, suppressing the other competing activities and waiting for a right time opportunity, not acting prematurely. For example, if you're failing a subject that is integral to your overall performance rather than wallowing in self-pity you would make time tables, ask for the teacher’s assistance and align methods that suit you the best to work hard and do better in it. 

  • Social coping

Seeking instrumental or emotional support from family, friends, community and officials. Like volunteering for a cause that resonates with you on some level leading to people sharing the same ideas which gives us strength to help ourselves and others too.

If you are someone who follows a routine, rigid and less reactive to stressors thriving in a stable environment a method aiming like the problem focused would be fruitful as such people commit to their own high standards. Using the  stressor as a fuel to neutralise future stressors makes for a constructive path of action. 

Whereas a reactive individual excels in more variable conditions and displays a reaction following the stressor. as this goes along with their nature to compensate by accepting the event with the harms and losses making meaning focused suitable for them thereby readjusting goals, finding or searching for benefits helping them ground to reality.

In healthcare workers a preference for problem focused approach is more likely a choice.  Individuals with a negative outlook on stressful situations are more likely to use emotion focused style as compared to a person having a positive one. However rather than restricting to one a combination of the types given the situation can be a smart approach to tackling it. For e.g., a study has shown that employing problem focused coping with social interaction and use of religion has shown to decrease occurrence of burnout syndrome. [4][5]

A Word of Caution: excess of anything isn’t good thus keep in mind to not overuse strategies as it will eventually dampen the effects. do not get frustrated if they fail to provide complete relaxation because at the end of the day, they assist in just managing your stress effectively. 

Now that we know all about coping styles let us address another aspect of it. Many turn to maladaptive coping that could lead to health risk behaviors causing us and others harm in the long run. These include substance use, over or under eating, avoidance, aggression, social withdrawal, etc. initially they may numb the stress but ultimately do not resolve the problem. Where healthy coping will help you to remain peaceful and in control of the situation to your liking, an unhealthy one may turn it against you. For this reason, keep noting which ones you can check off your list or add up.

Healthy Ways Of Coping

  1. ‘All is well’

Trying to keep yourself calm and in tune to the situation is the first step to addressing it. Techniques like box breathing and 5-4-3-2-1 help in slowing racing thoughts in response to stress.

2. Exercise

If you’re someone like me who is already tired thinking about this then let me bring it to your notice that exercise of any type floods our body with ‘endorphins or happy hormones while also making use of adrenaline by stress to keep us calmer.

Regulating the use of technology


3. Regulating the use of Technology

I know it is hard to stay away from social media especially in circumstances where we have socially evolved to a cyber world but too much of it can push you deeper and deeper in exhaustion and leave you even more burned out.

4. Stop struggling

And I do not mean to give in but preferably telling someone close, a professional or even jotting it down on paper are some of the best ways of coping.


5. Count your Roses & thorns

Typically used for kids thinking about the ‘roses’ of your day that are the positive experiences helps with building the concept of gratitude within them whereas the ‘thorns’ are the negative experiences gives oneself a platform to raise their concerns. This technique of self-reflection is a good exercise to build resilience and further develops  concepts like ‘self awareness’ & ‘self management’.


6Gratitude & kindness

Gratitude to oneself and kindness to others brings joy and helps us reconnect to our inner self and purpose in life. A simple smile could make someone’s day and relax your facial muscles enough for you to take on the world.


At the moment we’re preparing ourselves to move from stagnancy towards a comeback that will be demanding and require even more effort from us. Knowledge of one’s coping styles would help us to get on track smoothly and maximize desired results.

About The Author 

Ishika Kumar, Member of the PsyCreative Column

Psychology Committee, SDSOS, NMIMS

Ishika is a psychology undergraduate who aims to make healthcare more accessible and easier to navigate for people. A literature and arts enthusiast who enjoys writing, music and poetry. Her friends describe her as funny, witty and approachable. An old soul who has a generation gap with her own generation, she is a thinker who muses on purpose of one self and others. She aims to bring a change if not within society then with her dear ones.

References :

  1. Michael S. Pollard, P. D. (2020, September 29). Changes in adult alcohol use and consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. JAMA Network Open. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

  2. A closer look at behavioral health and the impact of covid-19. A Closer Look at Behavioral Health and the Impact of COVID-19 | Blue Cross Blue Shield. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

  3. Jebaraj, P. (2021, October 4). Gaming disorder increases during pandemic. The Hindu. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

  4. Kwarta P;Pietrzak J;Miśkowiec D;Stelmach I;Górski P;Kuna P;Antczak A;Pietras T; (2016, May). Personality traits and styles of coping with stress in physicians. Polski merkuriusz lekarski : organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from

  5. MM;, I. I. M. A. M. Ž. J. J. M. N. (2017, March). Relationships of work-related psychosocial risks, stress, individual factors and Burnout - questionnaire survey among emergency physicians and nurses. Medycyna pracy. Retrieved November 29, 2021, from


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