
Showing posts from February, 2024


  Since World War II, militaries have employed psychologists in a range of important roles - job classification, morale studies, military research, and the provision of mental health services. As warfare changes, psychologists increasingly have been embedded in military units to address dynamic mental health needs. Military psychologists often find themselves compelled to compromise their professional ethics. The military environment presents several unique situations infrequently encountered in most traditional healthcare settings, creating the potential for several conflicts. Ethical challenges in military psychology are multifaceted and include issues related to confidentiality, informed consent, potential harm to participants, and the dual loyalty dilemma where psychologists may be torn between their duty to the military and their ethical obligations to individual well-being. A breach of the provider-client relationship compromises the objectivity and effectiveness of the helping p

The art of commanding : Leadership styles and military psychology

  The role of leadership has a profound influence in the field of military psychology and  on the mental well-being and performance of soldiers. This blog delves into the diversity of leadership styles in a military context, exploring the psychological impact that it has on the individuals serving under a command. Each leadership style plays a unique role in influencing the behaviour of military personnel in terms of motivation, psychological well-being, performance, etc. The four major ones are authoritative, transformative, laissez-faire and adaptive.It's important to understand and adapt leadership styles based on the nature of military operations, so commanders can create a resilient and motivated force who would be capable of navigating the complexities of modern warfare.   Authoritative leadership is characterized by clear directives and a strict adherence to discipline. This approach is commonly found in traditional military structures, where orders needed to be conveyed swi

Soldiering with Pride: The Rise of LGBTQIA+ Equality in Armed Forces

  Throughout history, LGBTQ+ members of the military have faced discrimination and exclusion. Through 2010, it was against the Department of Defense policy to openly identify as gay or lesbian in the US military. Transgenders were not allowed to serve until 2016 and were prohibited again under the Trump administration until 2021. In the last decade, societies have witnessed a significant change in their attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community and have become more accepting. This positive change can be seen in various fields, including the military. However, In India, Despite the Supreme Court’s judgment in 2018 striking down a part of Section 377 and decriminalizing homosexual activity, homosexuality continues to be considered an offense in the Indian armed forces. In January 2019, former Army Chief General Bipin Rawat insensitively stated at a press briefing that "LGBT issues are not acceptable in the army."  The military presented a unique set of obstacles for LGBTQ+ individu

The Influence of the Mind: Psychological Warfare

  In the gruesome dance of warfare, lies an enticing realm of one which is psychological,-covered up by different stories, shrouded in mystery.  Psychological warfare is the use of propaganda against an adversary, which might be backed up by necessary military, political,  and/or economic actions. To phrase it differently, it's the subtle skill of brainwashing and mind-controlling others, to accomplish specific objectives—sounds more like gaslighting and manipulation, right? I think so too—but you get the point. Generally speaking, the goal of such propaganda—or brainwashing, is to weaken the enemy, shatter his desire to resist or battle, and occasionally even make him sympathetic to one's side.  It has a long history that is intricately entwined with human struggle. Psychological warfare has its origins in the beginning of time, when military strategists realized how crucial it was to affect the enemy's thinking in addition to outlasting them on the battlefield. It was use

Breaking the Mind: The Intricate Dance of Psychological Torture in Espionage

  Nationalism acts as a binding force for any country. Various national symbols enhance the sense of belongingness and fraternity. Patriotic movies based on the lives of military officials and secret agents act as a window to view their struggles. Secret agents are our unseen heroes. They lie low in the shadows, away from the sight of the country. They are extremely selfless as they do not expect any recognition in return for their service. Fighting the enemy on the battleground expecting a war is one thing, but living with the rivals while holding one's true identity is extremely hard. This trickery is also harmful to them, as in the dual life they need to ensure that they do not lose their true identity. The spy world introduces us to a whole new level of terror. This is the invisible dark terror which scars the soul. Enduring all of this and reminding oneself that they are playing a mere character requires high resilience and self reliance.  As dilettantes, our understanding of