Soldiering with Pride: The Rise of LGBTQIA+ Equality in Armed Forces


Throughout history, LGBTQ+ members of the military have faced discrimination and exclusion. Through 2010, it was against the Department of Defense policy to openly identify as gay or lesbian in the US military. Transgenders were not allowed to serve until 2016 and were prohibited again under the Trump administration until 2021. In the last decade, societies have witnessed a significant change in their attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community and have become more accepting. This positive change can be seen in various fields, including the military. However, In India, Despite the Supreme Court’s judgment in 2018 striking down a part of Section 377 and decriminalizing homosexual activity, homosexuality continues to be considered an offense in the Indian armed forces.

In January 2019, former Army Chief General Bipin Rawat insensitively stated at a press briefing that "LGBT issues are not acceptable in the army." 

The military presented a unique set of obstacles for LGBTQ+ individuals due to its rigid chain of command and emphasis on discipline. Many faced the daunting prospect of discrimination, harassment, and career setbacks, leading them to conceal their true selves. As a result, the valuable contributions of LGBTQ+ personnel were hindered by the conflict between fulfilling their duty and hiding an integral part of their identity.

This blog discusses the evolution of the LGBTQ+ group in the military and emphasizes the psychological factors that influence it, the challenges faced during this process, and embracing diversity as a positive phenomenon.

The military has always been seen as a very conservative establishment in history. Nevertheless, as the years passed, policies and perceptions towards LGBTQ+ people significantly changed. A major milestone, the "Don't Ask, don't tell" (DADT) policy repeal in 2011, has provided an opportunity for gay and lesbian people to serve openly in the United States armed forces without any fear of discrimination. During World War II and the Cold War, numerous LGBTQ+ service members faced cruel exclusion simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. These unjust actions not only led to the loss of highly skilled and devoted individuals within the military but also made way for prejudices and stereotypes. 

People in any organization, such as the military, are greatly affected by their sense of belonging and acceptance. The elimination of discriminatory policies, without a doubt, positively influenced the mental well-being of LGBTQ+ service members. Serving truthfully develops a sense of self, which is a very good sign for mental well-being.

Although much progress has been made, many challenges are still posed by the LGBTQ+ population. Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination can still be found, but to a much lesser extent. This process may also be quite hard, both mentally and emotionally, which is why continuous education and advocacy are required to help develop a really inclusive culture. An inclusive military brings not only personal well-being but also a sense of unity. A diverse and welcoming military is much more robust, flexible, and able to withstand the difficulties associated with our contemporary world. Inclusion promotes a culture of understanding, compassion, and cooperation, which are the primary requirements for any teamwork to succeed.

Various studies suggest that heterogeneous teams are more innovative and also better at problem-solving. Integrating LGBTQ+ service members’ unique viewpoints into the military builds a strong and dynamic army. The culture of every institution is greatly influenced by leadership, and the military is not left out. Leaders who actively promote diversity and inclusion are the standard for every other person in their organizations as well. In an environment of acceptance, understanding, and support, the leaders play a significant role on the psychological side for those who belong to the LGBTQ+ community in the military. 

Besides leadership, advocacy groups both inside and outside the military play a key role in fostering inclusiveness. These organizations act as a network, offering many resources, mentorship, and also room for frank discussion. Such groups’ presence contributes to the combating of isolation and supports the message that every individual, regardless of his or her sexual orientation or gender identity, plays an important part in the military community.

As discriminatory policies disband and acceptance becomes very common, the mental health of LGBTQ+ service members increases, facilitating a much more resilient and powerful military force. Challenges persist, but through continued efforts in education, advocacy, and leadership support, a more accommodating climate is created. Moving ahead, it is very necessary to mark the success that has been accomplished today and continue working on developing a military where everyone feels respected despite their sexual orientation or gender identity. By doing so, we not only make our military stronger but also help to achieve a society that is more fair and merciful.

As India embarks on its path toward achieving LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the military, taking cues from the practices of other countries can provide valuable guidance. Countries such as The United States and the United Kingdom, have,to some extent,successfully embraced and recognized the contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals in their armed forces, proving that being inclusive does not hinder military readiness.

The year 2018 marked a major turning point with the decriminalization of same-sex relationships. However, the Indian military must not stop at mere legal compliance; it must actively cultivate a culture of inclusivity. This can be achieved by establishing explicit guidelines, undertaking educational and awareness programs, and celebrating visible LGBTQ+ role models. By doing so, the armed forces can create a stronger and more diverse military that accurately reflects the vibrant identity of India. The quest for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the Indian military is not just a matter of policies but a reflection of the country's dedication to promoting equality and embracing diversity. 


Desk, O. W. (2023, April 18). Explained: What are the rules on homosexuality in Indian military, how is it abroad?

Johnson-Roehr, S. N. (2023). From handcuffs to rainbows: queer in the military. JSTOR Daily.

About the Author 

Ananya Sharma

Member at the Psycreative Column,

Third-year student of BSc. Applied Psychology, SDSOS, NMIMS.

She is passionate about music, with a diverse taste ranging from classic rock to hip-hop. She finds comfort in making playlists out of every emotion she experiences and listening to them on repeat until she gets sick of them. Her interests also lie in working out, reading, playing the guitar, watching crime documentaries, and analyzing psychological thrillers.  


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