Lack of a Parental figure and its Psychological effects on Personality
A child needs its parents like it needs oxygen to survive. Growing up our parents have a major influence on our lives and they greatly sway our likes and dislikes. They guide us to overcome obstacles and problems in life since infancy and shape our personalities, and thus us into who we are. Having been a huge part of our life, it is almost impossible to imagine our journey of growth without them or how different we would grow up to be, had we not had their support under difficult circumstances, or through life in general. The care of a parent is considered a vital factor that helps us foster cognitive and non-cognitive abilities. The involvement of a parental figure encourages children to meet their goals and achieve their objectives. It helps inculcate good morals and behaviours depending on the way the parent behaves and the nature of the parent-child relationship. The loss or lack of a parental figure in the child’s life impacts their development greatly. It hinders the...